In this guide, we show you the locations of all ten Modern Warfare 2 Intel locations for Defender: Mt. Zaya, along with the possible alternative spawn locations wherever applicable.

Video Guide

Intel 1

The first Intel is inside the main HQ building right at spawn.

You will find the Intel on a wooden box on one of the storage shelves.

Intel 2

The Intel is at site C.

Go inside the building through the right doorway, and you will see the Intel on a bench by the lockers.

Intel 3

The Intel is in the office building at site B.

Enter the office, and you will find the Intel on the computer desk.

Intel 4

The Intel is inside the Radar Dome building at site B.

Enter the building, and you will see the Intel on the table to your right.

Intel 5

The Intel is at site A in the middle of some equipment on your right when you enter site A (the bunker) via the western entrance.

Intel 6

Intel 6 is also at site A (the bunker). You can enter through the southern main bunker entrance.

As you descend into the bunker, you will find a control panel to your left with Intel resting on top of it.

Intel 7

There are three possible locations for Intel 7 to spawn inside of the same building. You can find Intel 7 inside a blue building with a dome and a giant telescope inside of it. The building is just behind you as you spawn and right outside site C.

Possible Spawn Location 1

Go through the back door (shown in the image above), and you will find the first Intel location directly in front of you on the table in a small office space.

Possible Spawn Location 2

The second possible spawn location is upstairs. Take the stairs to the first floor.

As soon as you reach the first floor, turn to your left, and you will find another small office space with some tables and computers. The Intel can spawn on the leftmost table.

Possible Spawn Location 3

The final spawn location is in the middle of the building where the giant telescope is. Jump in the middle, and you will find some control panels with a wide computer screen. The Intel can spawn next to it.

Intel 8

Once again, Intel 8 also has two possible spawn locations inside the main HQ building.

Possible Spawn Location 1

Go through the doors shown in the image above, and you will find the first Intel inside an office drawer to your immediate right.

Possible Spawn Location 2

If you don’t find the Intel at the first spot, continue moving towards the northern double doors and enter the small office by the double doors.

You will find the Intel inside the open cabinet.

Intel 9

This Intel is quite interesting as it requires you to spend $20,000 in-game cash at a vending machine found in a small building near site A.

You will find the vending machine to your right when you enter the building. You can interact with its keypad to spend $20,000 (if you have that amount).

You will get Intel in the vending machine collector when you spend the money.

Fortunately, when you’re doing this, both you and your teammate will be able to collect the Intel. So the best way to collect the Intel is to work with your teammate and pool the money together. Make sure you do not spend any money until around 4-5. You can start the rounds early by interacting with the radio at the HQ. Starting the rounds early gives bonus cash to both players.

By round 4 or 5, you can ask your friend to drop all the money for you, which should get you up to $20,000.

Intel 10

The last Intel piece is a bit tricky to get to. It is inside a locked room. The room is the same as the briefing room you get into as your teammate watches the briefing video at the start of this spec ops mission.

The door is locked, and you cannot enter the room. The Intel does not spawn during the mission briefing, so it must be collected once the mission has started.

While we’re not quite sure what the proper method of opening the door is, players have speculated that it has a chance of opening on wave 6. Or there is a key that the juggernaut drops on wave 6. However, there is a guaranteed method to get into the room as early as wave 1. For this to work, you need to be in an assault suit. You can get the assault suit in two ways - You will either have it as part of your assault kit if it is upgraded to tier 3, or you can purchase it from the buy station in the game. You can learn more about the kits here.

Equip the assault suit, and try to unlock the door. You will observe that the door just outright opens.

You can now enter the room. But there is a bit of a problem. Whenever you try to get to the Intel on the table. You are teleported outside of the room before you can pick it up.

To pick it up, you must first unequip your assault suit. Then, simply run to the Intel and spam your interact button to collect it before you are teleported out again. This is easy for PC players, but controller players might need to change their controller settings to ‘prioritize interact’ or ’tap to interact.’


You also unlock exclusive rewards for collecting the Intel fragment across all spec ops mission maps.

All Mighty (Emblem) Intel Pieces Required: 20 Deadly Precision (Calling Card) Intel Pieces Required: 40 Brass Selection (Weapon Blueprint) Intel Pieces Required: 50
All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 63All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 65All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 17All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 65All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 73All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 3All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 18All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 20All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 46All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 85All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 48All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 56All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 9All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 52All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 40All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 93All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 56All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 26All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 9All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 10All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 89All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 78All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 78All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 64All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 31All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 37All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 2All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 83All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 57All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 72All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 54All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 1All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 75All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 74All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 74All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 23All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 92All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 31All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 8All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 18All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 49All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 35All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 16All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 81All 10 Intel Locations on Defender  Mt  Zaya Spec Ops Mission   Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II - 68