Demon’s Souls is a third-person action RPG that was released as a PlayStation 3 exclusive. It was developed by From Software in collaboration with Sony Japan Studio. This game is viewed as the spiritual successor of the King’s Field series and the spiritual predecessor of the Dark Souls series. This guide will help beginners in traversing the game since Souls titles are known to leave the players on their own accord without explaining anything at all. This mostly leads to frustration that may make beginners quit and not be able to experience these masterpieces. This spoiler-free guide will help you in getting familiar with the Demon’s Souls.

Demon’s Souls Remake Versus The Original Demon’s Souls

In 2009, Demon’s Souls was released on PlayStation 3. Although it was not met with commercial success mostly expected from console exclusives, the game was loved by anyone who played it, despite its horrible performance. Last year, Demon’s Souls Remake was released exclusively on the PlayStation 5. The difference between the remake and the original are as follows:

Control Scheme

Below is the default controller scheme of Demon’s Souls.

  • There was once some controversy regarding the lack of a Pause option in Souls games as it needlessly adds difficulty to an already difficult game. Souls Games are known to not to allow pausing in the game. However, you can essentially pause the game by accessing Photo Mode. Just press the menu button on your controller and choose Photo Mode.

How To Create Your Character

Body Type

In creating your character, the Body Type will dictate the gender of your character. If you want to create female characters, you must choose Type A. If you want to create male characters, you must choose Type B. Remember, each type will have certain armor sets that can only be equipped by them. The body type may seem like an innocent choice but it has its significance later down the road.

Class Table

Starting Gift

The Royalty class is our recommendation, especially if you are new to this genre. Choosing the Royalty class will at least lessen the brutality of the game since the MP-regenerating ring helps a lot. You can fight more enemies from a distance with your spells without burning through your items to recover MP.

Custom Assassin Build Guide

Demon’s Souls, as well as other Soulsborne games, are known to keep the difficulty brutal at every point of the game. No matter how high your level is, you will definitely die if you are not cautious. This build is optimized for the maximum damage output possible. Because of this, expect this character to cut corners in vitality and endurance. Survivability will be compromised. As mentioned, due to low endurance, this particular build cannot wear heavy armor for Type B (Male) bodies. This build relies on Clever Rat’s Ring, a special item that boosts both physical and magical damage when your HP drops below 30% from full. Vitality is basically ignored with this build since it will not be effective due to the reliance on the Clever Rat’s Ring. This build uses almost exclusively ranged attacks and spells. Enemies closing the gap should spell death to this build. Therefore, keeping the distance and being extremely cautious. This class can only fight in close range if they are the ones ambushing. The reason that the Type A (Female) Royal is used as the base character for this build is that at level 1, the stats are in a way mirror the final build. Keeping a distance is only a precautionary measure. Enemies will close the gap soon and this build relies on the reflex of the player.  You have to learn how to block and dodge well for this build to be effective. This build may look like it is not built for beginners but this suits them perfectly. It will force players to learn blocking and dodging right out of the gate. The players using this build will have to learn early and quickly the mechanics of the game and how to control their character.

Stats allocation


Start: 8 It will be a common occurrence that the HP for this build is at 79 or below. This is where the Clever Rat’s Ring shines. When you are at critical condition, keep your distance and dish damage. You should kill your enemies quickly before they can retaliate. You can change up this particular stat to around 30 and 40. Some people just like playing a melee build. While this assassin build is primarily for ranged attacking, this is also flexible enough that you can use this with a melee playstyle. You will lose the high damage but in return, you will be tougher to bring down.


Start: 8 The mechanics of this game dictate that you need to keep your “equip weight” less than 50% of the total equip weight in order for you to perform a roll. Since you have low endurance, you are not going to wear any of the medium or heavy armors. If you go the melee route, you have to increase this stat so that you can wear heavy armor and carry heavier weapons. Take note that increasing Endurance when you have 160 in Stamina is useless. This should also be your limit since this build is calling for ultimate proficiency in stat distribution. Increase this stat accordingly with the Armor or Weapon requirements.


Start: 12 Increase this stat until you hit 200 MP. The Silver Coronet will have you aim for 167 MP instead. If you like to wear the Monk’s Head Collar, then you will have to pump up Will more. The reason for targeting 200 MOP is that it allows you to cast Rage of God twice as it costs 100 MO to cast.


Start: 9 Your target is 22. You only need to increase your Strength to allow you to wield the Purple Flame Shield.


Start: 12 Increase this stat until you hit 30. There is +6 Damage for every Dex point. However, once you hit 30 Dex, the damage bonus is decreased to +2 damage. It is not just worth it to put more points in Dex upon reaching 30.


Start: 13 You can increase this stat depending on your needs and not worry about a limit.


Start: 12 Like the Magic stat, increase Faith as you need to and not worry about hitting a limit where it loses its effectiveness.


Start: 7 Increase this stat to 8 and do not bother getting it further unless you will have to engage in advance exploits. Just like the original Demon’s Souls, the luck stat allows players to increase drop rates of common items and as a result, the forging materials became rarer. Since enemies were always dropping common items, players with high luck will have more common items dropping for them in place of the better items. What Luck changes in the original game is the drop rate of items as a whole and not the higher chance of good loot dropping. This was fixed in the remake with another exploit as a consequence, however, it is not advisable for beginners to go on exploiting the game without learning the basics.

General Tips

Demon’s Souls Consumption

There are two types of Souls in the game: the consumable Souls that can be found anywhere, and the Demon’s Souls dropped by the bosses. Do not consume the Demon’s Souls. They can be used to trade later on, or used for another reason more important than increasing your Soul Count. There are only three of these Demon’s Souls that can be taken. Since this is spoiler-free, it is much better for you to consume none of the Demon’s Souls you obtain.

World Tendency

A separate exhaustive guide is fit for explaining the World Tendency. In order to cater to our beginner audience though, we just have to narrow this down to the simplest term. As a beginner, you will have to aim for a Pure White World Tendency in every world. Thus, you must make sure that you do not die while in human form while traversing these worlds. Explore each world while in soul form, and when you are in human form, just use the outermost stairs in the Nexus to climb up two flights. Kill yourself by throwing yourself off the ledge. Pick up your lost souls, then return exploring. The reason for keeping the world in Pure White Tendency is that the enemies are weakest in this state.


You leave a Bloodstain when you die. A Bloodstain contains all the Souls you have collected for that moment. You can recollect them once you visit the Bloodstain. Be careful in retrieving your Souls because when you die the second time without recollecting the Souls, that Bloodstain will vanish and the new Bloodstain of your current status will appear instead.

Corpses Versus Remains

The difference between a Corpse and Remains is that the items you get from the former is always predetermined and is located in a specific area. On the other hand, Remains always hold the items that are dropped by the enemy when they are killed. These items vary per enemy and will not be the same every time they drop some loot. Luck changes the drop rates of these Remains and the quality and quantity drops at random.


The game rates the weapons S – A – B – C – D – E from strongest to weakest in that order in terms of modifiers. These letters will represent Str/Dex/Magic/Faith. You will see weapons with /A/A/-/-. This means Strength and Dex are at A rating while the blanks will just mean that Magic and Faith will not have effects on the modifier. The modifier ratings can be roughly estimated as follows:

S - +200% +/- ? of base stats A - +100% +/- ? of base stats B - +80% +/- ? of base stats C - +60% +/- ? of base stats D - +40% +/- ? of base stats E - +20% +/- ? of base stats Demon s Souls Beginner s Guide - 17Demon s Souls Beginner s Guide - 57Demon s Souls Beginner s Guide - 87Demon s Souls Beginner s Guide - 47Demon s Souls Beginner s Guide - 97