Firebase Z Map Intro

Firebase Z is the second map in Black Ops Cold War Zombies. This new map has two locations - Spawn Village & Outpost 25. Both these locations are linked together via teleporter. You can use this teleporter free of cost, to teleport back and forth. You start in the Village, which many of you will be familiar with since the assets used in this village are from the Black Ops Cold War campaign. Specifically, it’s the village from the mission called ‘Fracture Jaw’, where you visit a Vietnamese village. The village contains a Pack-A-Punch machine, Arsenal, and even the Wunderfizz perk machine. You also have the Quick Revive perk machine at spawn village. There is also a crafting table at your disposal. You won’t be able to access the Pack-A-Punch machine until you turn on the power by going through the teleporter. When you go through the teleporter, you’ll reach Outpost 25; a facility ran by Omega and used to carry out experiments and further progress their mission to use the Dark Aether to their advantage. You also meet Dr. Peck at the base, who locked himself in a room to protect himself from the zombies who have overrun the facility. Firebase Z is a completely different map from Die Maschine. It brings back some of the classic gameplay mechanics such as round skipping to progress the main easter egg and “soul” charging. You turn on the power in this facility by turning on three Aether Reactors, by killing zombies to charge them up. The map also introduced Launch Pads (jump pads) that can be used to reach different defense areas of the map. After every 7-8 rounds, an assault round starts where numerous zombies come through Dark Aether breaches to destroy the facility. There are terminals at each defense location that you must protect. The defense locations also include two automatic sentry turrets that aid you in defending the location. You always get a set amount of time for preparation before the zombies start coming in. As these defense locations are quite far away from each other, you can use the jump pads to reach the locations as all these always take you to the defense areas of the map. Below, we have a full Firebase Z interactive map that shows all the map’s primary points of view. Feel free to check out more guides on Firebase Z here, including the main easter egg guide, the RAI K-84 wonder weapon easter egg guide, free jump pad easter egg guide, and many more!

Spawn Village

Outpost 25


Firebase Z Interactive Map - 77